Bonus Section: Seasonal Events!
If you're able to make it, these are also some great places to buy books!
Friends of the Library Book Sale
Along with the book store that's open year round, the Friends of the Library at Monroe County Public Library also put on a huge sale twice a year, flooding the library's program rooms with books for dirt cheap (and free on the last day!) The books up for sale are either donations or titles that were removed from circulation but still in decent condition and readable. I love going to these kind of sales because I know I'll be able to find lots of old, forgotten titles that I'll probably never see again. If you're looking for cheap, you can't get any cheaper than this! As an added bonus, proceeds go right back into the library. The sale is bi-annual, held every April and September.
InULA Book Sale
Looking for academic titles? Old textbooks? Catch the Indiana University Librarians Association (InULA) book sale, held every April in Wells Library. Most of the titles are scholarly, but there's a bit of fiction too. Books are also super cheap, and if you can navigate IU campus's labrynthine parking system it's definitely worth the trip!
Hoosier Hills Book Fair
Held one weekend in October at the Monroe County Fairgrounds, the Hoosier Hills Food Bank holds a massive book fair every year to raise money. I must confess I haven't been able to make it to this one yet, but I plan to this year!