Steve's Book-O-Rama
118 East Sixth Street
This is one of the newer bookstores in town! Located right next door to Vintage Phoenix, it's always worth a shot to come in here and see what's new. In the handful of times I've been, there's always been a good-sized cart full of new (newly aquired that is--Book-O-Rama is a used bookstore) books to browse through, and in my opinion the selection is all over the place in terms of age and genre. Prices are about on-par with Half-Price Books, so not amazing but not awful either. There's also free books stacked in the window, titles the owner has aquirred but are slightly damaged and not in the best condition to sell. I lucked out and got a free (albeit coffee damaged) copy of Bloodchild by Octavia Butler, and I'm very greatful! The store is only open in the late afternoon, but if you manage to be in the right place at the right time you should check it out!